Sunday, April 17, 2016

#5 Inspiration

write something. write something. write something.
Sitting out on a beautiful patio in the rain surrounded by the hard work of my father who was blessed with a green thumb and a knack for all thing natural. I can't help but feel inspired. Inspired to do what exactly, I have no idea. But finding a little bit of nature amidst a world where I am constantly surrounded by machines (one of which is tucked away in my sports bra as I type) its hard to not be inspired. Refreshed.
But me, lacking any iota of creativity its hard to make something concrete out of the inspiration I'm experiencing. Inspirationally constipated if you will. Its always interesting to see what kinds of things inspire different people. One man's trash could be another man's inspiration? Does it work like that? There are probably are a number of things that inspire people across the board though. Nature, human or otherwise, people, love, heartbreak, art, etc. These things typically stir some kind of emotion at least in most people. Assuming you have a beating heart and are capable of emotion. Lord know I've encountered a number of people I could only describe as fleshy robots. But its where we get art and music and things like that from. Books. Plays.
I'm not really sure where this is going. I wish I could write out a song or a poem or a story for you to enjoy as an output of my inspiration. But I guess this is just mostly for me to feel productive. I'm not well versed in the ways of poetry. I've heard people who are the best at things like that just produce it naturally. But there is a certain amount of skill that is involved in being able to write songs and
poetry. Rules and patterns to follow. When people say "oh they are a natural" or things like that, I feel like it kind of robs them of the actual skills they possess to be able to create the things they do. I agree it may come naturally but that does not mean that person does not understand or follow the rules involved in possessing that natural ability. Rant.
Like I said. I'm not sure where this is going. But I'm jealous of people who have been blessed with those abilities. But rest assured, I am the kind of person to acknowledge and deeply appreciate those people. So here is a big thank you to the people who can create what I feel in my heart. Who create things externally what the rest of us feel internally. Without y'all we would just be a bunch of constipated humans feeling too much without knowing what to do with it. Thank y'all for getting us.